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April 9, 2022, 12:03 a.m. Likes: 0

Our purpose to make this app is to help people know more about Singapore's 3 exciting attractions.


. i am smart. I know a lot about programming. I love Singapore<br />2.I have started coding since P1. I have achieved young innovator In the mbot2 young innovator<br />3.During Covid-19 people were stuck indoors and did not see any attractions in Singapore. I wanted to make an app to tell people about the attractions in Singapore but also wanted to make a game. So, i made a 2 in 1 app that is a game and tells you about Singapore attractions.<br />4.-pixabay for gardens by the bay picture (not copyrighted) upertree-grove-architecture-5541545/ -Gengqi for doing coding -Theodore for Pictures

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