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July 30, 2023, 10:01 p.m. Likes: 0
Drawing can be a complex task for many, but with the integration of the DALL-E and GPT-3.5 turbo model by OpenAI, BrushBrain provides fully automated training to help users improve as artists. Our app generates reference images to provide inspiration and artistic advice. BrushBrain also features a helpful drawing exercise and connects the user with a community to share one’s journey. We believe that easy access to AI-based artistic instruction would benefit those who have a passion for art but lack the resources to hire a professional tutor.
Eric Wang, Zhi Liu, Zihan Ma, and Joy Yu.
Please try not to excessively use the AI generation system as it costs money. Thanks to Yucheng Li (Sean) for his support and access to his OpenAI developer account.
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